Setting Up WooCommerce Batch Payment Processing: Part 1
Today, we’re documenting the process of setting up a WooCommerce store with batch payment processing to reduce transaction fees. We’ll start with the initial setup and test environment.
Project Goals
- Implement batch payment processing for WooCommerce orders
- Reduce transaction fees by grouping smaller purchases
- Keep subscription payments separate from batch processing
- Process batches on a weekly schedule
Initial Setup
First, we created test products using WP-CLI to simulate a store with small-value items:
bashCopy# Create test products
wp post create --post_type=product --post_title="Small Item $5" --post_status=publish --porcelain
wp post create --post_type=product --post_title="Mini Item $3" --post_status=publish --porcelain
wp post create --post_type=product --post_title="Tiny Item $2" --post_status=publish --porcelain
wp post create --post_type=product --post_title="Micro Item $1" --post_status=publish --porcelain
wp post create --post_type=product --post_title="Nano Item $4" --post_status=publish --porcelain
This created five products with IDs 319-323.
Setting Product Prices
We then set prices using the WP-CLI with the admin user (required for permissions):
bashCopywp wc product update 319 --regular_price=5.00 --user=1
wp wc product update 320 --regular_price=3.00 --user=1
wp wc product update 321 --regular_price=2.00 --user=1
wp wc product update 322 --regular_price=1.00 --user=1
wp wc product update 323 --regular_price=4.00 --user=1
Code Implementation (So Far)
We’ve organized our code into a modular structure with separate files for different functionalities:
phpCopy// includes/batch-payments.php
// Register our custom order status
function register_batch_pending_order_status() {
register_post_status('wc-batch-pending', array(
'label' => 'Batch Pending',
'public' => true,
'show_in_admin_status_list' => true,
'show_in_admin_all_list' => true,
'exclude_from_search' => false,
'label_count' => _n_noop('Batch Pending <span class="count">(%s)</span>',
'Batch Pending <span class="count">(%s)</span>')
add_action('init', 'register_batch_pending_order_status');
Next Steps
- Set up Stripe test environment
- Create test orders
- Implement batch processing logic
- Test the complete payment flow
- Add admin interface for manual batch processing
- Set up automated weekly processing
Stay tuned for Part 2 where we’ll dive into implementing the Stripe integration and batch processing logic.