When setting up Rollup to compile JavaScript and SCSS in my custom WordPress theme swagdrip, I ran into some frustrating issues

1️⃣ Rollup Watch Was Running but Not Updating CSS

  • Initially, npm run watch was running, but the dist/main.min.css file was not updating when I changed my SCSS files.
  • Running npx sass assets/scss/main.scss dist/main.css manually worked, but it wasn’t automated.

2️⃣ Main CSS Outputted undefined$1 = undefined;

  • Instead of valid CSS, the compiled main.min.css file contained:jsCopyEditvar undefined$1 = undefined; export { undefined$1 as default };
    • This indicated that Rollup wasn’t processing the SCSS correctly.

3️⃣ Rollup Config Issues

  • Rollup was treating the config as an ES module (import not working).
  • Running npm run watch returned:javascriptCopyEditReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope
  • Rollup couldn’t properly handle SCSS, leading to broken styles.

🛠 Fixing the Rollup Watch & SCSS Compilation

1. Ensuring Proper SCSS Compilation

To manually check if SCSS was compiling correctly, I ran:

shCopyEditnpx sass assets/scss/main.scss dist/test.css

If this works and test.css contains valid styles, then the issue is with Rollup rather than Sass itself.

2. Fixing Rollup Configuration

My rollup.config.js had some issues with output handling. The updated version looks like this:

jsCopyEditimport commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs';
import resolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve';
import babel from '@rollup/plugin-babel';
import replace from '@rollup/plugin-replace';
import terser from '@rollup/plugin-terser';
import postcss from 'rollup-plugin-postcss';
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';

export default [
    input: 'assets/js/index.js', // JS Build
    output: {
      file: 'dist/main.min.js',
      format: 'iife',
      sourcemap: true,
    plugins: [
      babel({ babelHelpers: 'bundled' }),
        'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify('production'),
        preventAssignment: true,
    watch: {
      clearScreen: false,
    input: 'assets/scss/main.scss', // SCSS Build
    output: {
      file: 'dist/main.min.css', // Dummy output, PostCSS handles the actual file
    plugins: [
        plugins: [autoprefixer],
        extract: 'dist/main.min.css', // Ensures CSS is actually written
        minimize: true,
        sourceMap: true,

Key Fixes:

  • Removed unnecessary external configurations.
  • Ensured PostCSS properly outputs main.min.css.
  • Kept the iife format for JS bundling.

3. Cleaning Node Modules & Reinstalling

If you’re having persistent issues, do a full reset:

shCopyEditrm -rf node_modules package-lock.json dist/*
npm cache clean --force
npm install
npm run build

This wipes everything and reinstalls dependencies.

🎨 Refining List Styles for Blog Readability

After fixing Rollup, I wanted to improve the spacing and styling of lists in my posts. By default, ul elements had small black dots that looked uneven. To fix this, I updated my SCSS:

scssCopyEdit/* Improve list styling */
ul {
    list-style: none; /* Remove default bullets */
    padding-left: 1.5rem; /* Add some left padding */

ul li::before {
    content: "➤"; /* Custom bullet */
    color: #000; /* Adjust to fit your theme */
    font-size: 1rem;
    margin-right: 0.5rem;

li {
    margin-bottom: 0.75rem; /* Increase spacing between list items */

Before: Small, default black dots with no spacing.
After: Cleaner bullets with consistent padding.

🚀 Final Thoughts

Fixing Rollup watch and SCSS compilation took a mix of debugging and resetting dependencies. Now, my theme automatically updates styles when I save an SCSS file, and my lists look much cleaner.

Next Steps:

  • Further optimize Rollup build times.
  • Experiment with adding CSS variables for better styling control.

Have you run into similar Rollup + SCSS issues? Drop a comment below! 👇