Follow this guide to commit your custom WordPress plugin to GitHub.

1. Initialize the Git Repository

Navigate to your plugin directory in the terminal:

cd "/home/mnrdjmke/public_html/wp-content/plugins/matt-mullenweg-insane-o-meter"

Then initialize Git:

git init

2. Create a .gitignore File

To prevent unnecessary files from being committed, create a .gitignore file:

nano .gitignore

Add the following lines:

# Ignore unnecessary files

Press CTRL + X, then Y, then Enter to save.

3. Commit Your Plugin Locally

Run the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit of Matt Mullenweg Insane-O-Meter plugin"

4. Create a GitHub Repository

Go to GitHub and create a new repository named matt-mullenweg-insane-o-meter (or another name).

5. Connect Local Repo to GitHub

Copy the remote URL from GitHub and run:

git remote add origin

Verify the remote connection:

git remote -v

6. Push Your Plugin to GitHub

Now push the code:

git branch -M main
git push -u origin main

7. Verify on GitHub

Go to your repository URL and check if the files are uploaded.

8. Optional: Add a README File

To add a README file, run:

echo "# Matt Mullenweg Insane-O-Meter" >
git add
git commit -m "Add README"
git push origin main

You’re Done! 🎉

Your WordPress plugin is now on GitHub. Happy coding!