How I Make Posts
I’ll review the WP-CLI commands and content in your post for accuracy and currentness.
Let’s check each section:
- Basic Post Creation Command:
bashCopywp post create --post_title="Test Post with Light HTML Styling" --post_status=publish --post_content="$(cat post-content.txt)"
✅ This command is correct and works. However, I’d add the --post_type=post
flag for clarity:
bashCopywp post create --post_type=post --post_title="Test Post with Light HTML Styling" --post_status=publish --post_content="$(cat post-content.txt)"
- Featured Image Command:
bashCopywp post meta update 6 _thumbnail_id 5
❌ This needs to be clearer. The correct syntax is:
bashCopywp post meta update <post_id> _thumbnail_id <image_id>
- Listing Media Command:
bashCopywp post list --post_type=attachment --fields=ID,post_title
✅ This command is correct
- Post Update Command:
bashCopywp post update 48 --post_content="$(cat post-content.txt)"
✅ This command is correct
- Media Regenerate Command:
bashCopywp media regenerate --only-missing
✅ This command is correct
- Batch Snippet Creation Command:
bashCopyfor i in {1..10}; do wp post create --post_type=snippet --post_title="WP-CLI Snippet $i" --post_content="$(shuf -n 1 <<EOF
wp cache flush
wp rewrite flush
wp plugin list
wp theme list
wp user list
wp db export backup.sql
wp post list --post_type=page
wp search-replace '' ''
wp option get siteurl
wp media regenerate --yes
)" --post_status=publish; done
⚠️ A few notes on this:
- The
command might not be available on all systems (it’s a GNU/Linux command) - The
command should include--dry-run
flag for safety - Some commands might need additional flags for better output
Here’s an improved version:
bashCopyfor i in {1..10}; do wp post create --post_type=snippet --post_title="WP-CLI Snippet $i" --post_content="$(shuf -n 1 <<EOF
wp cache flush --allow-root
wp rewrite flush --allow-root
wp plugin list --format=table
wp theme list --status=active
wp user list --fields=ID,user_login,user_email
wp db export backup-\$(date +%Y%m%d).sql
wp post list --post_type=page --fields=ID,post_title,post_status
wp search-replace '' '' --dry-run
wp option get siteurl
wp media regenerate --yes --only-missing
)" --post_status=publish; done
Additional Recommendations:
- Add a section about backing up before running commands:
bashCopywp db export backup-$(date +%Y%m%d).sql
- Add verification steps after creating posts:
bashCopywp post list --post_type=snippet --fields=ID,post_title,post_status
- Add error handling section for common issues:
- Permission issues (use
when needed) - File path issues (use absolute paths)
- Database backup importance
- Add a section about post formatting:
bashCopy# Create post with formatted content
wp post create \
--post_type=post \
--post_title="My Formatted Post" \
--post_status=publish \
--post_content="<!-- wp:paragraph -->
<p>Your content here</p>
<!-- /wp:paragraph -->"
- Add a section about post meta:
bashCopy# Add custom meta to post
wp post meta add <post_id> _custom_meta "custom value"
Would you like me to provide a completely revised version of the post with all these improvements and additional sections? CopyRetry
Claude does not have the ability to run the code it generates yet.