If you need a quick way to update your CSS without dealing with SCP every time, try one of these methods:

Instead of typing out the full command every time, use this one-liner to quickly upload just the CSS files:

shCopyEditscp -P 21098 "/home/mnrdjmke/public_html/wp-content/themes/swagdrip/dist/main.min.css" \
    "/home/mnrdjmke/public_html/wp-content/themes/swagdrip/dist/main.min.css.map" \

If you update all files in dist/, just use:

shCopyEditscp -P 21098 "/home/mnrdjmke/public_html/wp-content/themes/swagdrip/dist/"* \

🔥 Option 2: Create an Alias for SCP (Even Faster)

Set up an alias so you can update CSS with a single command like updatecss.

1️⃣ Open your terminal and edit your ~/.zshrc (or ~/.bashrc if using Bash):

shCopyEditnano ~/.zshrc

2️⃣ Add this line at the bottom:

shCopyEditalias updatecss='scp -P 21098 "/home/mnrdjmke/public_html/wp-content/themes/swagdrip/dist/"* mnrdjmke@'

3️⃣ Save and exit (Ctrl + X, then Y, then Enter).

4️⃣ Reload your terminal:

shCopyEditsource ~/.zshrc

Now, every time you need to update your CSS, just type:


🚀 Done!

🔥 Option 3: Use SSHFS (Mount Remote Folder Locally)

If you frequently edit CSS, you can mount your remote WordPress theme folder as a local directory using SSHFS. This lets you edit files directly without needing SCP.

1️⃣ Install SSHFS (if not installed):

shCopyEditbrew install sshfs

2️⃣ Create a local folder to mount the remote swagdrip theme:

shCopyEditmkdir ~/mnt/wp-theme

3️⃣ Mount the remote folder:

shCopyEditsshfs -p 21098 mnrdjmke@ ~/mnt/wp-theme

Now, you can edit files directly in ~/mnt/wp-theme/dist/, and they will update on your site instantly. 🚀

To unmount, run:

shCopyEditumount ~/mnt/wp-theme

🔥 Option 4: Force Browser Cache Refresh

If you’re updating CSS but not seeing changes, force reload the page:

  • Mac: Cmd + Shift + R
  • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + R

Or append a query string to your CSS file in WordPress to force browsers to reload it:

phpCopyEdit<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/dist/main.min.css?v=<?php echo time(); ?>">

💡 Recap:

Quick SCP One-Liner → Copy files fast
Alias (updatecss) → Upload with one command
SSHFS (Mount Remote Theme Locally) → Edit files directly
Force Browser Cache Refresh → Avoid stale CSS

🔥 Pick what works best for you and make CSS updates lightning fast! 🚀💨